Production plan


Production plan Outline

In Production plan, A customer's Order unofficial announcement (purchase Planinformation) and Order information which were Entr(ied) by EDIinformation, and OrderEntry and Forecast orderEntry to origin, Production plan in its company is drawn up. It is used for Caculate and information cooperates [ a required quantity of this result ] to Purchase control-Process control.

Perfect Order production Mold (Item is Ordered as all the Item demand)

Function nameButton nameExplanation
Production planListRequirements→production planCreate Production plan from demand (Order-Forecast order-Other requirements).
Summary by periodA week exception and a season exception display Production plan by monthly Unit.
CSV outputOutput Production planList by CSV.
Production plan uploadOther requirements entryWhen demand exists in addition to Order-Forecast order, Entry.

Half-Order production Mold (Plan which considers demand and Order(s) Item is drawn up)
Forecast production Mold (Plan which considers demand and produces Item is drawn up)

※Requirements read before Plan creation when making Feed back the demand of Latest, Products in progress, and Inventory.

Function nameButton nameExplanation
Production planListRequirements readSet demand information-Products in progress-Inventory to Latest.
Requirements→production planCreate Production plan from demand (Order-Forecast order-Other requirements).
UpdateUpdate the number of demand and Plan number which were inputted.
Item addEntry Item(s) (Item made from new, etc.) by which it is not indicated by List.
Summary by periodA week exception and a season exception display Production plan by monthly Unit.
CSV outputOutput Production planList by CSV.
ConfirmConfirm to the number of demand, and ChargeUnit which set the input of Plan number to Complete and by which Query (input creation to MRP) was carried out.
Production plan uploadOther requirements entryWhen demand exists in addition to Order-Forecast order, Entry.
Plan number updateCSV output is performed by Production planList, and Plan number is Change(d) and Entr(ied).

Production plan FunctionList

Function(major division)Function(inside classification)Function(small classification)FunctionExplanation
Production plan generationProduction plan generationProduction plan generation (Automatic at night)Order, Shipping, Forecast order, and Other requirementsinformation -- Day -- another Production plan is created. Order sets a thing with the remainder to Object. Order quantity at the creation time, Shipping quantity, A Forecast order number, Dependent requirements (Half finished product), A Production forecast number, Inventory qty., and a Products inprogress number are acquired.
Production plan uploadOther requirements entryDemand (Production forecast etc.) other than Order and Forecast order is Entr(ied) from a CSV file.
Production planQueryProduction planListQueryItem, production number, and Production plan for every direct deliveryLocation are displayed by List. Open sales order, Forecast order, Dependent requirements (Half finished product), Production forecast, Inventory transition, and Plan number are displayed according to Day
Production planSummary by periodQueryPeriod is Selection(ed) from a screen, and Production plan is totaled according to a term and it indicates by List. It totals by Total Condition for every Item, Item, production number, Item, production number, and direct delivery point, and displays.
Production planUpdateProduction planListChangePlan number of Object date (Shift) is Change(d) from a Production planList screen.
CSV outputWhen performing edit by text data, Production plan corresponding to Query Condition is outputted by CSV.
Production planItem addAddAddItem is Add(ed), and Production number, Scheduled production complete date, Shift number, and Plan number are inputted, and it Add(s) to Production plan.
Production plan uploadPlan number updatePlan number of the CSV file outputted from Production planList is edited, and there is Feed back [ Production plan ].
Production planConfirmProduction planListConfirmThe contents of Production plan are Confirm(ed) and a Base schedule is created. Plan number which Summar(ied) according to the day is divided into Details No Unit.
An erase lumpBase date is an erase lump.Shipping quantity an erase lump and of Order quantity, and an erase lump of ManufactureComplete(Inventory) Minute of Forecast quantity are performed. (It processes in the timing of MRP enforcement)

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