Work center another CapabilityList

Query item nameExplanation
PeriodFrom or To is certainly inputted.
W/CWork center
Input item nameCharacterNumber of bitsMandatoryExplanation
W/CInput Work center.q
Capability year/month/dateyear/month/dateInput the range which sets up Capabilityvalue.
PlantOnly display
No..n-working day generationA Generation case is Check Needlessness at zero about Capabilityvalue of not working Day.
Standard man capabilitynumber12,4Set up Capabilityvalue per 1st. Unit is standard Working hours unit of a system parameter.
Standard machine capabilitynumber12,4Set up Capabilityvalue per 1st. Unit is standard Working hours unit of a system parameter.
Standard quantity capabilitynumber12,4Set up Capabilityvalue per 1st. Unit is Quantity unit of a system parameter.
Standard weight capabilitynumber12,4Set up Capabilityvalue per 1st. Unit is the default Weight unit of a system parameter.

Query of Work centerCapabilityinformation

W/C name
Capability year/month/dateIn not working Day, it displays in the red.
Standard man capabilityUnit is standard Working hours unit of a system parameter.
Standard machine capabilityUnit is standard Working hours unit of a system parameter.
Standard quantity capabilityUnit is Quantity unit of a system parameter.
Standard weight capabilityUnit is Weight unit of a system parameter.
Last update person
Last update time

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