Forecast sales order batch entry

Query item nameExplanation
File nameThe full path of the storing place and File name of a file which perform Batch processing is specified.
Input item nameCharacterNumber of bitsMandatoryExplanation
Customeralphabet/number6Input Customer code Entr(ied) by Customer master.
Place of deliveryalphabet/number8Input Place of delivery code Entr(ied) by Place of receipt master.
Customer item-30Input Customer item Entr(ied) by Primary table for customer item change information.
Customer revisionalphabet/number4Revision of Customer item is inputted. In a No.t input, Revision of Primary table for customer item change information is set.
Item name-40Item name of Plant item
Delivery dateyear/month/date-Input Customer Delivery date.
Forecast quantitynumber12,4Input a Forecast order number.

Confirm of Forecast sales order batch entry


Entry of Forecast sales order batch entry

Result confirmation of Forecast sales order batch entry

Resuluting output of Forecast sales order batch entry

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