Rental rate master list

Query item nameExplanation
Effective dateAn Output case inputs the Valid rental rate information by specified Date.
W/CWork center

Input item nameCharacterNumber of bitsMandatoryExplanation
W/CSelection box40Work center
Effective dateyear/month/dateThe rental rate information inputs Date used as Valid.
Expire dateyear/month/dateThe rental rate information inputs Date used as Invalid. In a No.t input, it Entr(ies) by 9999/12/31.
Man chargenumber16,4It multiplies to Man working hours at the time of Processing cost calculation.
Machine chargenumber16,4It multiplies to Machine working hours at the time of Processing cost calculation.
Weight chargenumber16,4Weight charge is used when Quantity unit of Item is Weight at the time of Processing cost calculation. It multiplies by Planned costCaculate to Material weight, and multiplies by the track record Cost calculation with the track record Quantity.

Query of the rental rate information

Add of the rental rate information

Ref. add of the rental rate information

Update of the rental rate information

Delete of the rental rate information

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