Bill of materials Query

Item update(F2):It changes on the 【ItemDetailsEntry and Change】 screen by Item which chose the head of the Details line.
Structure update (F4):It changes on the 【Structure update】 screen by Item which chose the head of the Details line.
Query item nameExplanation
Method 1It is specified any of Single layer, Multiple layers, and Summary they are. Structure item under the 1 class of Item Single layer : specified is displayed. Furthermore, the portion which chose Structure item of the underlying layer from the screen is Expand(ed). Structure item to the maximum class of Item Multiple layers : specified is indicated by All. By Structure item, the summary of the Number is carried out and Structure item of Item Summar(ied) : specified is displayed.
Method 2It is specified any of Forward expansion and Reverse expansion they are. Structure item of the low rank of Item Forward expansion : specified is displayed. Item of the higher rank of Item Reverse expansion : specified is specified. In the case of General parts, Parent item of All is displayed.
Method 3Effective date and Valid production number are specified.
Method 4Only MRPExpand ObjectItem is expressed as the check ON.
Display position setupIn a Not input, Prefix of All is extracted. When PRFX is inputted, Prefix or subsequent ones under the 1 class of specified Item is displayed.

Display Item nameExplanationScreen ItemD/LItem
Item name
Quantity unit
Item type
Structure PH
Effective time
Expire time
Valid production numberNo.t used
Invalid production numberNo.t used
Plan L/T
Plan L/TUnit
Supply classification
Direct delivery classification

Input item nameNumber of bitsExplanation
Plan L/T5It sets up by 0 or more and 99999 or less.
Defective structure rateIt sets up by value of 0 or more and 100.00Not 満.
Supply classification
Receive classification
Direct delivery

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