Shipping/Payment report details input

Query item nameNumber of bitsExplanationCode/master
Picking/Supply instruction No..10The bar code value of Picking instruction sheet and Supply instruction sheet is inputted.
Picking/Supply dateIt is set to the List input column after Query as first Periodvalue.-When a check is attached to 「Use the instruction date as the actual date」, the schedule Day of a written directive is set.
Operator10It is set to the List input column after Query as an initial value.Operatormaster
Input item nameNumber of bitsExplanationCode/master
Picking date / Supply dateEntry is possible only for Date of numberDayPrevious.
Picking quantity/Supply quantityEntry below Instruction quantity is possible. However, when it directs by summarizing Purchase by ItemUnit by Free supply, Entry exceeding Instructionquantity is possible.
Batch number20
Operator10Entry is possible only for Operator ID Entr(ied) by Operatormaster.Operatormaster




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