Job management

Query item nameExplanation
Execution jobThe job set to Query Object
Period(Start date)Period set to Query Object (Start date)
Period(Complete date)Period set to Query Object (Complete date)
Start userThe job Executive user set to Query Object

Reference of a job Execute history

List item nameExplanation
Job start timeAt the time of Day by which the job was started
Job end timeAt the time of Day which the job ended
Execution jobThe jobname by which Execute was carried out
PlantPlant used as the processing Object of the job
StatusDisplay Status of a job.(A normal end / end of warning / abnormal end)
A 【job Execute log Details screen】 can be called by click Status.
Start userThe user who Execute(d) the job

Reference of the job Execute log Details

List item nameExplanation
MessageProcessing content of a job
Entry timeAt the time of the processing date of a job

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