The StoringTrack record input outside Plan

Query item nameNumber of bitsExplanation
Item20Item and Phantom item which do not carry out Inventory control cannot Entry.
Input item nameNumber of bitsExplanationCode/master
Storing cause10Code(Storing cause)
Free product for customerIf it checks, it will process as Unit price 0 at the time of Monthly costCaculate.
Actual dateFrom Date to which accounting was fastened, it cannot Entry in Actual date of past. Track record of Future day cannot Entry.
Production number10Production number ledger
QuantityEntry that Inventory is subtracted is not made.
Cost departmentCode(Cost department)

※Change and Cancel of StoringTrack recordinformation which were already Entr(ied) are not made.
  + and - are made reverse in case of tie, and Entry processing is performed (with Quantity to offset).

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