

Change of Basicinformation(s), such as Name of Plant, the conditions of MRP, and a calendar are setting.

Add of new Plant cannot perform Add for the restrictions on a system, and a contractual reason in your company.
When there is the necessity for Add, please be sure to consult to a system management company inquiry window through your employment Charge.
Query item nameExplanation
Plant codeIt is Input Mandatory at the time of Query of Entry Completed data.
Input item nameInput checkNumber of bitsMandatoryExplanation
Plant code2
Plant name100
MRP expansion condition IDID Entr(ied) by MRP expansion condition setup is specified.
MRP」-- Reference
MRP calendar IDThe calendar set up by Calendar type mastermaintenance is specified. It is Reference about Calendar type mastermaintenance in this chapter.
1stのWorking hours4It is Valid to a single figure decimal point.
Post code12
Address (1)120
Address (2)120
Telephone number20
Fax number20
Delivery destination(Prior Entry to CodeList is required. )

Update of Plantmaster

※ A setup is Mandatory when MRP expansion condition uses Reference and MRP for MRP.

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