User management

Query item nameExplanation
User IDFull match
NameMatch partial
User type0:General user、1:Supplier user
Display users using the system onlySet the user in Entry to Query Object by considering it as the check ON now. In addition, when the user omits Exit operation explicitly, in less than 60 Minute, the lapsed time from Last access time serves as Query Object.

A user's Query

List item nameExplanation
User ID   
Name (English)   
Subordinate plant    
Language      Language used by the User ID concerned
Date format    The form of year/month/date used by the User ID concerned
Year/month format    The form of Year/month used by the User ID concerned
Month/date format    The form of MonthDay used by the User ID concerned
Last access timeAt the time of Day accessed at the end by the User ID concerned
System usageIn "In use", the user concerned expresses the inside of Entry now. In addition, when the user has not done Exit operation explicitly and the lapsed time from Last access time is less than 60 Minute, it is displayed as "In use".
Telephone number    
Mail address 
User type  0:General user、1:Supplier user
Supplier user expresses the user using WEB-EDI of Supplier.
Supplier     Supplier which the user Subordinate(s) when User type is "1:Supplier user."
Status      Entry propriety in the User ID concerned

User AddEntry

Input item nameInput checkNumber of bitsMandatoryExplanation
User ID       alphabet/number/symbol
(Capital letter)
Initial password     alphabet/number/symbol256Password for a user to Entry first is specified. The character string applicable to below cannot be specified.・The character string of less than 8 figures
・The same character string as User ID
・Only an English character is a character string of only a number.
・Password used for less than five past(s)
Initial password (for confirmation)alphabet/number/symbol256
Subordinate plant        
Name          40
Name(English)      40
Language          specify Language used by the User ID concerned.
Date format        specify the form of year/month/date used by the User ID concerned.
Year/month format        specify the form of Year/month used by the User ID concerned.
Month/date format        specify the form of MonthDay used by the User ID concerned.
Subordinate          256
Telephone number        alphabet/number/symbol 20
Mail address     Mail address300
User type      10:General user、1:Supplier user
Supplier         alphabet/number/symbol
(Capital letter)
6When User type is set to "1:Supplier user", specification of applicable Supplier serves as Mandatory.
Status          0:Invalid 1:Valid
0:The user who set to Invalid does not get Entry.

※ Above Language, Date format, Year/month format, and Month/date format influence the display form on a WEB screen at the time of Entry(ing) by the User ID concerned. The form at the time of Report and CSVDeta output is not influenced.


User informationUpdate

※When Entry is improper because the user was continuously mistaken in Password 5 times or more, It can be referred to as Status in which Entry is possible again by Chang(ing) Status from 0:Invalid to 1:Valid by the employment Charge of an introductory company.
※past and Password by which it had been used within the number of times (it sets up by a system parameter) of fixed cannot be specified.


Permission setting

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