List item name | Explanation |
Selection | |
Supplier | |
Item | |
Purchase No... | |
Purchase quantity | It displays by Purchase unit. |
Unit | It displays by Purchase unit. |
Purchase unit price | |
Purchase amount | |
Currency | |
Reception times | |
Receiving processing classification | |
Reception date | |
Reception quantity | It displays by Purchase unit. |
Qualified qty. | It displays by Purchase unit. |
Defective qty. | It displays by Purchase unit. |
INVOICE NO | 受入INVOICE NOを更新する場合のみ、値を入力します。 INVOICE NO更新ボタンを押下すると、セット値で更新されます。 |
Reverse date | 受入戻し日を入力します。 初期値は設定により、運用日または受入日になります。 |
Reverse qualified quantity | It displays by Purchase unit. |
Reverse quantity of qualified products | It inputs by Purchase unit. |
Reverse defective quantity | It displays by Purchase unit. |
Reverse quantity of defective products | It inputs by Purchase unit. |
Return reason | |
Return remarks | |
Batch number | |
Receiving status | |
Accepted classification | |
Order quantity (before convert) | It displays by Quantity unit. |
Unit (before convert) | It displays by Quantity unit. |
Received quantity (before convert) | It displays by Quantity unit. |
Qualified quantity (before convert) | It displays by Quantity unit. |
Defective quantity (before convert) | It displays by Quantity unit. |
Reversed qualified quantity (before convert) | It displays by Quantity unit. |
Reverse quantity of defective products(Before Conversion ) | It displays by Quantity unit. |
Purchase list release No... | |
Item name | |
Material mark | |
Diameter | |
Diameter unit | |
Length | |
Length unit | |
Weight | |
Weight unit | |
Production number | |
Process code | |
Process content | |
Supplier name | |
Delivery destination | |
Delivery destination name | |
Location | 受入した保管場所を表示。 |
Location name | 受入した保管場所名称を表示。 |
Entry person | |
Entry time | |
Last update person | |
Last update time | |
Item class.1 | |
Item class.2 | |
Item class.3 | |
Item class.4 | |