Purchase information inquiry

Query item nameExplanation
Production number
Purchase No...10 figures of Purchase No-3 figures line No
Purchase date
Delivery date
Order typeGeneral:The order which occurred from MRP etc.
Individual:The order Entr(ied) in Individual purchase information entry
Process outsource:The order Entr(ied) by Process outsource order generation
Delivery destinationPrior Entry is required for CodeList.
Item type
PurchaserPrior Entry is required for CodeList.
Purchase status
Receiving status
Reply status
Item class.1
Item class.2
Item class.3
Item class.4
Delivery date delay only
Display summary linedisplay summary line when checked.

Input item nameNumber of bitsExplanation
Unit price
Unit price classification
Delivery date
Purchase quantity
Purchase list remarks

Query of Purchase information

List item nameExplanation
Purchase dateRelease(d) Date is displayed.
Order quantity (after convert)It displays by Purchase unit.
Unit (after convert)It displays by Purchase unit.
Delivery date
Purchase statusNot ordered:Release is Status by which Purchase list is not Release(d) although carried out.
Ordered:Status by which Purchase list was Release(d)
Terminate :Status by which the Purchase order was Termination(ed)
Receiving statusNot received:It is Status which has not been Reception(ed) yet although Purchase list was Release(d).
Partial reception:Status by which only the part was Reception(ed) among Purchase quantity
Reception completed:Status Purchase quantityAllReception Carried out
Terminate :Status by which the Purchase order was Termination(ed)
Received quantity (after convert)It displays by Purchase unit.
Qualified quantity (after convert)It displays by Purchase unit.
Defective quantity (after convert)It displays by Purchase unit.
Unit price classification
Unit price
Purchase amountPurchase amount of Unit price×Quantity is displayed.
Tax classification
Item type
Item name
Order quantity (before convert)It displays by Quantity unit.
Unit (before convert)It displays by Quantity unit.
Received quantity (before convert)It displays by Quantity unit.
Qualified quantity (before convert)It displays by Quantity unit.
Defective quantity (before convert)It displays by Quantity unit.
Material mark
Diameter unit
Length unit
Weight unit
Production number
Process code
Process content
Supplier name
Order type
Mfg. name
Mfg. model
Last reception dateDate accepted at the end is displayed.
Delivery destination
Delivery destination name
Location name
Direct deliveryIn SupplierDirect delivery, it checks and displays.
Purchase No after change
Purchase requirements
Purchase req
Purchaser name
Plant code
Purchase list remarks
Delivery date replyThe result by which the Delivery date reply was carried out displays. Division delivery can also be displayed.
The contents of a display [Delivery date: The number of deliveries: Remarks:] ※In installment payment, it displays by comma separated values.
Entry person
Entry time
Last update person
Last update time
Item class.1
Item class.2
Item class.3
Item class.4
Inspection classification
Production order No工程外注の場合に、製造オーダーNoを表示

Change of Purchase information

Changes to Receipt report

Changes to Delivery date reply

From Purchase information to OrderStatusConfirm

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