Query item name | Explanation |
Plant | |
Customer | |
Place of delivery | |
Customer item | |
Plant item | |
Customer purchase No | |
Order No | |
Production number | |
Delivery date | |
Salesperson | Salesperson by which Code management is carried out is specified. |
Direct delivery classification | It is specified any of All and Direct delivery only they are. |
Order STS | Order status 内示、注文、確定、完了、取消を必要に応じて指定 |
Shipping STS | Shipping status 未出荷、一部出荷、完了を必要に応じて指定 |
受注日 | 受注日をFROM~TOで指定 |
Item class.1 | Item class.1 of ItemOrder is specified. |
Item class.2 | Item class.2 of ItemOrder is specified. |
Item class.3 | Item class.3 of ItemOrder is specified. |
Item class.4 | Item class.4 of ItemOrder is specified. |
Billing | |
Billing item name | |
Billing order No | |
Unit price classification check box | It checks, when Unit price classification narrows down Order information of TemporaryUnit price. |
Unit price check box | It checks, when Unit price narrows down Order information set up by zero. |
Display summary line | display summary line when checked. |
List Item name | Explanation |
Customer item | |
Revision | Revision of Customer item is displayed. |
Order quantity | |
Unit | Quantity unit of Order quantity is displayed. |
Delivery date | |
Unit price | |
Currency | Currency of Unit price is displayed. |
Unit price classification | |
Sales amount | Sales amount of Unit pricexQuantity is displayed. |
Customer | |
Place of delivery | |
Customer purchase No... | |
Line number | |
Order STS | 内示:得意先から正式注文は来ていないが、確保はしている状態 注文:得意先から正式注文は来ているが、数量・納期が未確定の状態 確定:得意先から正式注文が来て、数量・納期が確定している状態 完了:得意先への出荷が完了している、またはオーダー打ち切りした状態 取消:オーダーキャンセルした状態 |
Shipping STS | 未出荷:まだ出荷がされていない状態 一部出荷:出荷はしているが、受注数を満たしていない状態 出荷完了:受注数を満たして出荷されている状態 |
Shipping quantity accumulation | The total of Shipping quantity is displayed. |
Latest shipping date | Shipping date of Latest is displayed. |
Plant item | |
Item name | |
Material mark | |
Diameter | |
Diameter unit | |
Length | |
Length unit | |
Weight | |
Weight unit | |
Direct delivery | In SupplierDirect delivery, it checks and displays. |
Correct reason | |
Salesperson | |
Order date | |
Production number | |
Remarks | |
Scheduled shipping date | Date which pulled Delivery date to Transportation leadtime is displayed. |
Scheduled shipping instruction date | Date which pulled Scheduled shipping date to Package lead time is displayed. |
Customer name | |
Place of delivery name | |
Order No... | |
Plant | |
Inspection classification | |
Place of delivery (EDI) | |
Delivery destination | |
Last update person | |
Last update time | |
Item class.1 | |
Item class.2 | |
Item class.3 | |
Item class.4 | |
Packing list No | When a Shipping report is given from Packing list No, Packing list No is displayed. In Division Shipping, it indicates more than one by comma separated values. |
Billing | Billing is displayed when OrderEntry(ing), and Billing is specified and Entr(ied). |
Billing name | |
Billing item name | |
Billing order No... | |
Customer serial number | |
受注汎用項目1 | 導入会社で自由に定義できる項目 |
受注汎用項目2 | 導入会社で自由に定義できる項目 |
受注汎用項目3 | 導入会社で自由に定義できる項目 |
受注汎用項目4 | 導入会社で自由に定義できる項目 |
受注汎用項目5 | 導入会社で自由に定義できる項目 |
*** | 今後のバージョンアップで使用するシステム予約項目 |