ItemEntry ・Change

You can move to the Item Entry・Change screen from the various screens, such as 【Item Search】, 【Item Details Search】 or【BOM Search】.

Item Details Basic Information

Search Item nameNumber of digitsExplanation
ItemPlant item

Input Item NameNumber of digitsExplanationMandatory
Item20Plant item Code (Regarding the usable characters, please refer to 「The usable characters for Item Code」)
Item name40Plant item name
Specification40Specification of Item
RevisionNo.4Design Change Number
Item category20The classification of Item
Drawing number20
Drawing size2Size of a drawing ex) A3, A2 etc.
Number of drawing2Number of sheets of a drawing
Material code10The code for identifying the characteristic of metal material, and configuration.
Material weight
Manufacturer name20Specified maker name
Remarks40Free entry column
Manufacturer model30Manufacturer Model number (Item number)
Quantity unitQuantity unit of item
Order stop dateSpecify date of starting the suspension of order
Mother plantPlant nin charge of production
Size15Size of Item
Image file 1Attach image files, such as a drawing etc.
Image file 2
Image file 3

Item Details Order General

Input item nameNumber of bitsExplanationMandatory
Item20Plant item
Item typeIdentifying Classification of Item“0”: Bulk (Items Purchased by order point method)“1”: Product (Items handled by MRP)“2”: Material (Items handled by MRP)“3”: Parts (Items handled by MRP)“4”: Middle article (Items handled by MRP)“5”: Other plant article (Items handled by MRP) to be used in case of multiple sites“9”: Phantom item (not handled in MRP).“A”: Auxiliary material ”B”: Consumables、“E”: Other(not handled in MRP)
M/PSegregate the in-company manufactured products or outsourced products“M”: In-company manufactured product (existing Processing step for the same item number)“P”: An outside manufactured product or goods purchased
Order classification for Production number management,Classification of whether to be applied Production number management order“0” Inventory stock article (Production number management)“1” Production number management Order article
Cost element classificationhe main Cost element of ItemPurchasing material cost, Outsource processing cost, In-company Processing cost, In-company Assembly cost, Auxiliary material cost, etc.
MRP expansion codeClassification of MRP items or Non-MRP items
Cock productOne of the purchasing methods, such as Storing the purchasing item in-company warehouse, and payment will be made based on the volume of consumption as the purchasing amount.

Item Details Order Infomation

Input Item NameNumber of digitsExplanationMandatory
Item20Plant item
Plant codeOnly changein case of multisite (based on a Plant master)
ChargePerson in charge of the relevant item (Production in charge of a Code list)
StatusValidity or Invalidity of the relevant Item Order information, (Use in case of multiple sites. In case of 1 Plant, select Valid)
Standard lead time5In-company manufactured product: Manufacturing lead time (Period for manufacturing)External manufactured product: Purchase order lead time (Period for manufacturing of Supplier)
Packing lead time5Period for packing
Storing lead time5Period for binning to the store location from the completion of in-company manufacturing (Reception of an external manufactured product)
Picking lead time5Period for Picking from the store location
Purchasing policyRefer to Purchasing policy Explanation documents.
Order pointTo be used for Purchasing by Order point system.(Quantity adding Safety stock quantity to Quantity of consumption of the period from purchasing to reception)To be used only in the case of Purchasing policy: "H"
Lot sizeQuantity summarizing order quantity with the specified quantityPurchasing policy: "D", "E", "F", "G", "J"
Summary days5Period for summarizing Order quantity. (Number of days)Purchasing policy"C"
Summary on specific day of the weekSummarizing order quantity by the specified day. Purchase policy: "C"
Minimum purchase quantityLot size≦Minimum purchase quantityTo be used only in the case of Purchase policy: "H".
Maximum purchase quantityMinimum purchase quantity+Lot size≦Maximum purchase quantity
To be used only in the case of Purchase policy:"H"
Defective item rateShow the rate of being defective of the parts or material.
(The portion of the defective item ratio will be added in MRPvcalculation for ordering parts or aterial)
Centralized purchasing classificationEffective only the case of multiple site (Set at the centralized purchasing of the multiple site)
Classification of the allocation to the future deliveryAt allocating to On-order in MRP processing, allocate to the future delivery or not do. (Period would be based on a system parameter).
12,4It is used by Casting.
Production plan
Plan classificationSpecifying to be Forecast production item or not
Plan regeneration object exclusion setting classificationWhether setup individually the production planning quantity (Plan regeneration object exclusion period), or to be dependent on the system parameter
Plan regeneration object exclusion periodExclusion Period in the case of an Individual setup
Safety inventory quantityPlanned additional stock quantity for preventing the parts shortage
Delivery destination8Delivery destination for the delivered items in plant
Stock Location8Stock location of Item
Supply destination6Main location for supplying (delivery) destination of the item, such as: Work center, or Supplier
Picking instruction sheet release classificationPicking instruction sheet is to be released or not
Picking report classification“00”: Backflash (No Picking report required)Reduction from inventory of child parts by Production Status Reports・Reception Reports“01”: Reduce inventory at picking instructionReduce inventory at the release of picking instruction “10”: Backflash (require picking report)Perform inventory transfer to delivery location by picking report (from stock inventory to allocated inventory) Reduction from inventory of child parts by Production Status Reports・Reception Reports “12”: Reduction from inventory at Picking report. (require picking report)
ABC classificationClassification for expressing the Importance or Priority level for performing ABC management (Priority management) at Inventory control, Purchasing, or Sales management, etc.
Picking instruction classification”I“ Individual only
Item class.1To be used for identifying Item. It is used for the search condition at each search screen
Item class.2
Item class.3
Item class.4

Item Details Process Infomation

Input item nameNumber of bitsExplanationMandatory
Process3Turn of Processing Process
Outsource”M”・In-company manufacture Process、”P”・Subcontract Process is distinguished.
W/CWork center(Operating department)
Supplier settingOnly when Outsource is P: Subcontract, it changes to the screen which sets up Supplier of Process outsource by 「Supplier setting」 link display click.
ProcessL/T5Period which processing of Relevance Process takes (L/T is fixed L/T)
It sets up so that the lead time Summary of all the Process(es) may not exceed the manufacturing lead time of an Item standard.
YieldBy checking □ of Process which manages task progress, Yield report of Process management is possible.(LastProcess and Subcontract Process are set up automatically by a check unnecessary system)
Process codepulldown -- more -- selection (Code list: based on "KKOCD" processing code)
Process content20The contents of work to process (free entry column)
Direct deliveryIn Direct delivery, the subcontract place of the following Process is displayed on the Delivery destination column of Purchase list by checking □ by the case where Process continues from a subcontract to a subcontract.
Device No..10The equipment NO is set up (free entry column).

※M/P of General -- M: -- only when it is insourcing, it can set up.
※The Details section of the 1st line is a blank line for Add. In addition, Entry is [ a maximum of 100 pieces ] possible.
※When Chang(ing) value of Outsource, Add data by new Outsource after Delete for applicable data.

ItemDetails Purchase

Input item nameNumber of bitsExplanationMandatory
Seq3”0”MRPObject、It is MRPNo.n-object except ”0”
Supplier6Supplier of Relevance Item
Effective timeIt depends on a system parameter [ whether setting start year/month/date depends start year/month/date of Supplier-Unit price of Relevance Item on Purchase date and Delivery date ].
Expire timeOnly when GeneralNo.t set however Supplier, and Period 限 of Unit price are Confirm(ing), it sets up (time ex 23:59).
Purchase unit priceIt is about Supply れ Unit price (1 yen or more) except setup and Unit price classification"0" FormalUnit price. It is accepted and Change is possible.
Unit price classification”0”FormalUnit price、It is TemporaryUnit price except  ”0”
Process3In the case of a Process outsource article, Relevance Process is set up. Except is No.t set.
Purchase unit-Purchase Unit at the time of Purchas(ing) relevance Item to Supplier

※The Details section of the 1st line is a blank line for Add. In addition, Entry is [ a maximum of 100 pieces ] possible.

ItemDetails Working hours

Input item nameNumber of bitsExplanationMandatory
Man working hours5Man working hours per piece
Preparation working hours5
Machine working hours5Machine working hours per piece
Cost element classificationMachine working hours per piece

※ M/P of a General tab -- M: -- only when it is insourcing, it can set up.

※ Process needs to be Entr(ied) in advance.

ItemDetails Casting

Input item nameNumber of bitsExplanationMandatory
InoculantPrior Entry is required for a Code list.
Inoculant ratio5It unites with Inoculant and is an input.
Pouring temperature5It sets up by 0 or more and 99999 or less.
Pouring temperature's lower limit5It sets up by 0 or more and 99999 or less.
Batch number management patternPrior Entry of Batch numberManagement pattern of a Casting master is required.
Molding description64
Pouring description64
Quality-specific condition100OutputRemark is set to a Casting article schedule.

The character which can be used for ItemCode


 Blue : It can use as an item code.
 Yellow: Although it can use as an item code, it does not correspond to a barcode. If these characters are used, the barcode is not printed on PDF files.

Add of Item

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