Query item name | Explanation |
Plant | |
Supplier | |
Production number | |
Item | |
Purchaser | |
Acceptance date | It is range specification about Acceptance date. |
Purchase No... | |
Reception date | It is range specification about Reception date. |
Tax classification | TaxorTax exempt |
Acceptance classification | The type (Acceptance data generation、Direct entry of acceptance information) of OutputAcceptance is specified as List. |
Unit price classification | |
Lot Number | |
INVOICE NO | 受入INVOICE NOを指定。左右のボタンにより順次検索可能。 |
Item class.1 | |
Item class.2 | |
Item class.3 | |
Item class.4 | |
Display summary line | display summary line when checked. |
List item name | Explanation |
Acceptance No | |
Acceptance date | |
Supplier | |
Item | |
Acceptance quantity (before convert) | It outputs by Purchase unit. |
Unit (after convert) | It outputs by Purchase unit. |
Unit price classification | |
Acceptance unit price | |
Currency | |
Acceptance amount | |
Tax classification | 0:Tax、1:Tax exempt The data created by Acceptance data generation serves as 0:Tax. |
Tax classification | 0:Inclusion of tax,1:Exclusion of the consumption tax from indicated prices,2:Tax exempt Tax classification of Suppliermaster at the time of AcceptanceTrack record creation is displayed. |
Tax rate classification | Name set as Tax ratemaster displays. Tax rate classification of Suppliermaster at the time of AcceptanceTrack record creation It is displayed. |
Acceptance amount (tax excluded) | Amount without a tax is displayed. |
Consumption tax | Tax rate classification Consumption tax Caculate(d) based on set-up Tax rate is displayed. |
Acceptance amount (tax included) | Amount including tax is displayed. |
Acceptance classification | Code which shows the Entry yuan of Acceptance data |
Acceptance type | The type (Debit slip, Credit voucher, Credit voucher) of AcceptanceTrack record is displayed. |
Supplier name | |
Item name | |
Acceptance quantity (after convert) | It outputs by Quantity unit. |
Unit (before convert) | It outputs by Quantity unit. |
Material mark | |
Diameter | |
Diameter unit | |
Length | |
Length unit | |
Weight | |
Weight unit | |
Material | |
Material Unit | |
Specification | |
Production number | |
Process code | |
Process content | |
Purchase No... | |
Processing times | |
Reception date | |
Purchaser | |
Purchaser name | |
Remarks | |
Plant | |
Original acceptance No... | A former intermediary's Acceptance No is displayed at the time of Debit slip/Credit voucher generating. |
Entry person | |
Entry time | |
Last update person | |
Last update time | |
Item class.1 | |
Item class.2 | |
Item class.3 | |
Item class.4 | |
Cost element classification | |