Sales information details list

Query item nameExplanation
Place of delivery納品先コードの指定
Customer item得意先品目コードの指定
Plant item自社品目コードの指定
Customer purchase No得意先注文NOの指定
Sales dateIt is range specification about Sales date.(From-To)
Item class.1Item class.1 of ItemOrder is specified.
Item class.2Item class.2 of ItemOrder is specified.
Item class.3Item class.3 of ItemOrder is specified.
Item class.4Item class.4 of ItemOrder is specified.
Billing item name請求先品目コードの指定
Billing order No請求先注文NOの指定
B/L DATEB/L DATE(From-To)の指定
Sales typeThe type (General, Adjustment, Correct, Return) of OutputSales is specified as List.
Display summary linedisplay summary line when checked.

Query of SalesTrack record

List item nameExplanation
Customer(Display Item)Customer code
Sales dateSales date is displayed. In Reverse, Reverse date is displayed.
Customer purchase No(Display Item)Customer purchase No
Line number(Display Item)Line number
Unit price classification(Display Item)Unit price classification
Sales unit price(Display Item)Sales unit price
CurrencyCurrency of Sales unit price is displayed.
Sales quantity(Display Item)Sales quantity
UnitQuantity unit of Sales quantity is displayed. It applies to Quantity unit of ItemBasic correspondingly.
Discount amount(Display Item)Discount amount
Sales amountSales quantity×Sales unit price - Discount amount
Tax classification0:Tax、1:Tax exempt
The data created by Sales information entry serves as 0:Tax.
Tax classification0:tax-inclusive price ,1:tax-exclusive price,2:Tax exempt
Tax classification of Customer master at the time of SalesTrack record creation is displayed.
Tax rate classification Name set as Tax ratemaster displays.Tax rate classification of Customer master at the time of SalesTrack record creation It is displayed.
Sales amount. (tax excluded)Amount without a tax is displayed.
Consumption taxTax rate classification Consumption tax Caculate(d) based on set-up Tax rate is displayed.
Sales amount. (tax included)Amount including tax is displayed.
Sales typeThe type (General, Adjustment, Correct, Return) of SalesTrack record is displayed.※The above-mentioned Reference
Sales classificationCode which shows the Entry yuan of Sales data.
1:Shipping → SalesTrack record by which simultaneous Entry was carried out with ShippingTrack record in the 【Shipping report entry
2:Acceptance → SalesTrack record which Entr(ied) by 【Sales information entry
3:EDI → SalesTrack record which Entr(ied) by 〔SalesRead-in〕 【EDI Import
4:Individual → SalesTrack record newly added in the 【Direct input of sales information
Sales NoWhen it SalesEntr(ies), the Sales number the order number for is automatically assigned by a system is displayed.
Original sales NoSales No of SalesTrack record which performed Reverse is displayed.
Shipping No(Display Item)Shipping No
Customer item(Display Item)Customer item
RevisionCustomer revision is displayed.
ItemPlant item is displayed.
Item nameItem name of Plant item is displayed.
Material mark(Display Item)Material mark
Diameter(Display Item)Diameter
Diameter unit(Display Item)Diameter unit
Length(Display Item)Length
Length unit(Display Item)Length unit
Weight(Display Item)Weight
Weight unit(Display Item)Weight unit
Correct reasonCorrect reasonCode by which Code management is carried out. It Entr(ies), when carrying out Update of SalesTrack record, and Return.
Order No(Display Item)Order No
Production number(Display Item)Production number
Shipping date(Display Item)Shipping date
Shift(Display Item)Shift
Remarks(Display Item)Remarks
Customer name(Display Item)Customer name
Place of delivery(Display Item)Place of delivery
Place of delivery name(Display Item)Place of delivery name
Plant(Display Item)Plant
Change classification0:NotChange、1:ChangeCompleted
0:It becomes possible [ Update and Return ] only for the data of NotChange.
Last update person(Display Item)Last update person
Last update time(Display Item)Last update time
Item class.1(Display Item)Item class.1
Item class.2(Display Item)Item class.2
Item class.3(Display Item)Item class.3
Item class.4(Display Item)Item class.4
BillingSpecified Billing is displayed when carrying out OrderEntry(ing) or a Direct input of sales information.In Not set, it is displayed by Customer=Billing.
Billing item nameWhen carrying out OrderEntry(ing) or a Direct input of sales information, specified Billing item name is displayed.
Billing order NoWhen carrying out OrderEntry(ing) or a Direct input of sales information, specified Billing order No is displayed.
B/L DATEWhen carrying out Shipping entry or a Direct input of sales information, specified B/L DATE is displayed.
INVOICE NOWhen carrying out Shipping entry or a Direct input of sales information, specified INVOICE NO is displayed.

Add of SalesTrack record

Update of SalesTrack record

Return of SalesTrack record

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