Master upload and download

Query item nameExplanation
Master typeMaster type which performs download or upload is specified.
File nameUpload Object file is specified.


Input item nameCharacterNumber of bitsMandatoryExplanation
Processing classification               11:Add、2:Update
Customer         alphabet/number
(Capital letter)  
Customer name              100
Customer name
(Abbreviated name )   
Post code        alphabet/number/symbol12
Address (1)               120
Address (2)               120
Telephone number        alphabet/number/symbol20
Fax number        alphabet/number/symbol20
Mail address (1)   Mail address form300
Mail address (2)   Mail address form300
Currency              3
Salesperson               6
Customer administrator              20Present Not used
Closing Day                 2Present Not used
Number of months determined in first item inspection           2In the case of the first product, it is this Month number by delivery of goods from Shipping next time. The interval which conducts first piece inspection for every Customer is set up. When not conducting first piece inspection, zero are specified for an interval. In the first inspection Object, a first-of-the-season mark (HK) is printed by Work instruction sheet.
Transportation leadtime           5Hour required by the Customer (Place of delivery) arrival from Shipping
Transportation lead time unit         1Unit of Transportation leadtime.D:Day、H:Hour、M:Minute
Transportation type               1Transportation type of Default Place of delivery
Packing list releaseClassification            1When Releas(ing) Packing list, 1 is specified, and 0 is specified when not Releas(ing).
InvoiceClassification            1Present Not used
EDISales classification             10 is specified, when Execut(ing) automatic Sales by EDI and not using AcceptanceRead-in of 1 and EDI.
Base date of sales unit price classification        1Day which adopts Sales unit price (Order dateorDelivery date). When not specifying Sales unit price at the time of OrderEntry, Sales unit price is determined according to this setting Classification.
J:Order date, N:Delivery date
Remarks                 256
Customer group            6Customer group is specified. The group setting by the Sales prediction List can be Selection(ed) and Output(ed).
Tax classification                10:tax-inclusive price,1:tax-exclusive price,2:Tax exempt is specified.
Tax rate classification                3Tax rate classification It specifies.
Sales unit price classification           1Sales unit price classification is specified.
Customer item automatic entry        1Customer item automatic entry is specified.

Place of delivery

Input item nameCharacterNumber of bitsMandatoryExplanation
Processing classification              11:Add、2:Update
Place of delivery        alphabet/number
(Capital letter)  
8Place of delivery code. In the case of AddEntry, an order number is assigned automatically.
Customer        alphabet/number
(Capital letter)  
6Customer code.
Place of delivery name             100Name of Place of delivery
Place of delivery name (abbreviated name)            40The abbreviated name of Place of delivery
Telephone number       alphabet/number/symbol20
Post code       alphabet/number/symbol12
Address (1)              120
Address (2)              120
Transportation leadtime   number   5Time required by the Place of delivery arrival from Shipping
Transportation lead time unit        1Unit of Transportation leadtime.D:Day、H:Hour、M:Minute
Transportation type              1
Remarks                256


Input item nameCharacterNumber of bitsMandatoryExplanation
Processing classification                 11:Add、2:Update
Supplier           alphabet/number
(Capital letter)  
Supplier name                100
Supplier name
(Abbreviated name)    
Import classification                 1 Present Not used
Post code          alphabet/number/symbol12
Address (1)                 120
Address (2)                 120
Telephone number          alphabet/number/symbol20
Fax number          alphabet/number/symbol20
Mail address (1)     Mail address300It is used for an e-mail addressee (TO) when referred to as 「1:E-mail sending」 in Mail sending classification. It is also possible for comma separated values to define two or more Mail address.
Mail address (2)     Mail address300It is used for an e-mail addressee (CC) when referred to as 「1:E-mail sending」 in Mail sending classification. It is also possible for comma separated values to define two or more Mail address.
Currency                3Currency used by dealings with Supplier is specified.
Purchaser                 6
Supplier administrator               6
Purchase list releaseClassification              1When Releas(ing) Purchase list, 1 is specified, and 0 is specified when not Releas(ing).
Purchase list term pattern classification          1The wording pattern written on Purchase list is specified.
Packing list releaseClassification              1When Releas(ing) a Packing list-PresentItem vote and a receipt (for delivery of goods), 1 is specified, and 0 is specified when not Releas(ing).
Packing list term pattern classification          1The wording pattern written in a Packing list-PresentItem vote and a receipt (for delivery of goods) is specified.
Accepted item details list releaseClassification           1When Releas(ing) an Accepted item details list, 1 is specified, and 0 is specified when not Releas(ing).
Accepted item details list term pattern classification       1The wording pattern written in an Accepted item details list is specified.
Mail sending classification              1When auto-dialing mail of Purchase list and Packing list, 1 is specified, and 0 is specified when not sending.
Remarks                   256
WEB-EDI object classification             11: Supplier of WEB-EDIObject, 0: WEB-EDI Non-object In WEB-EDIObject, suitable value for Item of the following Purchase plan data output-Acceptance data output is specified.
Purchase plan data output            1In WEB-EDI Function, when Output(ing) purchase Plan data to Supplier, 1 is specified, and when not outputting, 0 is specified.
Purchase plan export period      number   3When Purchase plan data output is "1:Output", the data extraction Period is specified.
Period setting classification               1A number value of Unit(s) specified by Purchase plan export period are specified.
M: A Month number, T : the number of seasons, a W:Week number, D:Number of days
Order data output              1In WEB-EDI Function, to Supplier, an Output case specifies Order data, and 1 and when not outputting, 0 is specified.
Receipt data output              1In WEB-EDIFunction, when Output(ing) Reception data to Supplier, 1 is specified, and when not outputting, 0 is specified.
Acceptance data output              1In WEB-EDIFunction, to Supplier, an Output case specifies Acceptance data, and 1 and when not outputting, 0 is specified.
Tax classification                  10:tax-inclusive price,1:tax-exclusive price,2:
Tax exempt is specified. Tax rate classification                  3Tax rate classification It specifies.

Download of masterinformation

Confirm of an upload file

Entry to master

Result confirmation of upload

Resuluting output of upload

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