Query item name | Explanation |
Plant | |
Customer | |
Place of delivery | |
Customer item | |
Plant item | |
Customer purchase No | |
Sales date | It is range specification about Sales date. |
Item class.1 | Item class.1 of ItemOrder is specified. |
Item class.2 | Item class.2 of ItemOrder is specified. |
Item class.3 | Item class.3 of ItemOrder is specified. |
Item class.4 | Item class.4 of ItemOrder is specified. |
Billing | |
Billing item name | |
Billing order No | |
B/L DATE | |
Sales type | The type (General, Adjustment, Correct, Return) of OutputSales is specified as List. |
無償出荷 | 全て、無償出荷、無償出荷以外より選択 |
受注種別 | 受注種別を選択 |
Display summary line | display summary line when checked. |
List item name | Explanation |
Customer | |
Sales date | Sales date is displayed. In Reverse, Reverse date is displayed. |
Customer purchase No | |
Line number | |
Unit price classification | |
Sales unit price | |
Currency | Currency of Sales unit price is displayed. |
Sales quantity | |
Unit | Quantity unit of Sales quantity is displayed. It applies to Quantity unit of ItemBasic correspondingly. |
Discount amount | |
Sales amount | Sales quantity×Sales unit price - Discount amount |
Tax classification | 0:Tax、1:Tax exempt The data created by Sales information entry serves as 0:Tax. |
Tax classification | 0:tax-inclusive price ,1:tax-exclusive price,2:Tax exempt Tax classification of Customer master at the time of SalesTrack record creation is displayed. |
Tax rate classification | Name set as Tax ratemaster displays.Tax rate classification of Customer master at the time of SalesTrack record creation It is displayed. |
Sales amount. (tax excluded) | Amount without a tax is displayed. |
Consumption tax | Tax rate classification Consumption tax Caculate(d) based on set-up Tax rate is displayed. |
Sales amount. (tax included) | Amount including tax is displayed. |
Sales type | The type (General, Adjustment, Correct, Return) of SalesTrack record is displayed.※The above-mentioned Reference |
Sales classification | Code which shows the Entry yuan of Sales data. 1:Shipping → SalesTrack record by which simultaneous Entry was carried out with ShippingTrack record in the 【Shipping report entry】 2:Acceptance → SalesTrack record which Entr(ied) by 【Sales information entry】 3:EDI → SalesTrack record which Entr(ied) by 〔SalesRead-in〕 【EDI Import 】 4:Individual → SalesTrack record newly added in the 【Direct input of sales information】 |
Sales No | When it SalesEntr(ies), the Sales number the order number for is automatically assigned by a system is displayed. |
Original sales No | Sales No of SalesTrack record which performed Reverse is displayed. |
Shipping No | |
Customer item | |
Revision | Customer revision is displayed. |
Item | Plant item is displayed. |
Item name | Item name of Plant item is displayed. |
Material mark | |
Diameter | |
Diameter unit | |
Length | |
Length unit | |
Weight | |
Weight unit | |
Correct reason | Correct reasonCode by which Code management is carried out. It Entr(ies), when carrying out Update of SalesTrack record, and Return. |
Order No | |
Production number | |
Shipping date | |
Shift | |
Remarks | |
Customer name | |
Place of delivery | |
Place of delivery name | |
Plant | |
Change classification | 0:NotChange、1:ChangeCompleted 0:It becomes possible [ Update and Return ] only for the data of NotChange. |
Last update person | |
Last update time | |
Item class.1 | |
Item class.2 | |
Item class.3 | |
Item class.4 | |
Billing | Specified Billing is displayed when carrying out OrderEntry(ing) or a Direct input of sales information.In Not set, it is displayed by Customer=Billing. |
Billing item name | When carrying out OrderEntry(ing) or a Direct input of sales information, specified Billing item name is displayed. |
Billing order No | When carrying out OrderEntry(ing) or a Direct input of sales information, specified Billing order No is displayed. |
B/L DATE | When carrying out Shipping entry or a Direct input of sales information, specified B/L DATE is displayed. |
INVOICE NO | When carrying out Shipping entry or a Direct input of sales information, specified INVOICE NO is displayed. |
無償出荷 | 無償出荷の場合、チェックが付きます。 |
受注種別 | 無償出荷の受注オーダーにおける受注種別を表示 |