Process control

Process control Outline

In Process control, based on the result of MRP, it ProcessExpand(s) based on Processmaster, Release of a Production order is performed, and Work instruction sheet is outputted. To work instructions, Yield report is performed by every Production order, Process or Item, and either for every Work center, and progress management is performed. LoadStatus is Confirm(ed) for every Work center, Change of a Production schedule, Change of Work center, etc. are performed, and Load leveling is performed.

Status of a Production orderStatus of Process
ReleaseThe status of all the Process(es) is Release.
StartThe status of all the Process(es) is not Release or Complete.
CompleteThe status of all the Process(es) is Complete.

ProcessQualified qty.Defective qty.Yield report

Process control FunctionList

Function(major division)Function(inside classification)Function(small classification)FunctionExplanation
Production order releaseProduction order release(Screen)ReferenceThe Production order is indicated by List.
Release・Perform Release of a Production order about MRPProcessing result.
・Set to Object the order which carried out Selection, or the order acquired on Query conditions.
・Perform ProcessExpand for Processing result of MRP to Object, and perform Release of a Production order.
・About Release(d) Object, Work instruction sheet of 1sheet is outputted for every Process the whole Production order.
For the output to 20Process, when large, a Revision page is performed to 1sheet.
Re-print・About Selection(ed) Object, Work instruction sheet of 1sheet is outputted for every Process the whole Production order.
For the output to 20Process, when large, a Revision page is performed to 1sheet.
DeleteDelete processing is performed about the Production order before start.
CSV outputThe Production order corresponding to Query conditions is outputted by CSV.
Production order release(Batch)Release・Start as succession processing of MRPBatch processing and acquire ReleaseObject in the year/month/date range of Plant of the MRP real rifling Piece, and extraction conditions.
・About acquired Object, perform ProcessExpand, determine Start date or Delivery date for every Process, and perform Release of a Production order.
Production order entryAdd ・UpdateAddEntry of a Production order and Update are performed. When AddEntry(ing), Work instruction sheet is Release(d).
Work instruction sheet releaseWork instruction sheet release(Batch)Output・Succession processing of MRPBatch processing.
・In the year/month/date range of Plant of the MRP real rifling Piece, and extraction conditions after Production order release, About Work instruction sheet releaseObject, Work instruction sheet of 1sheet is outputted for every Process the whole Production order.
・For the output to 20Process, when large, a Revision page is performed to 1sheet.
Manufacture progress ConfirmWork center production order inquiryReferenceWork center is specified and following Reference is performed for every Process the whole Production order.
 ・Reference of task progress.
 ・Reference of Qualified qty. and non-Qualified qty.
YieldEntry・Make Entry of Quantity (Process meter) of good Item / poor Item, or correction about ManufactureProcess of Yield reportRequired.
・Process of Yield reportNeedlessness Entr(ies) Yield by Yield report and the value of back Process.
・Even if Complete(d) or closed, QuantityChange of good Item / poor Item is possible.
・Entry or correction by Quantity of more good Item than Order qty. and poor Item is possible.
Process termination・Perform Terminate processing for every Production order / Process about the Production order ReleaseCompleted(ed) or started.
・Closing, even if the remainder of Order remains is possible.
Yield returnTrack record of Yield is Return(ed) for every Production order / Process.
CSV outputThe Production order corresponding to Query conditions is outputted by CSV.
Production schedule inquiryReferenceThe Production schedule of the Production order of Plan-ReleaseStatus is displayed.
Production order listReferenceRelease of a Production order or subsequent ones The progress Status of a Production order is displayed on Object for every Process.
Production order terminationWhen the specified Production order is Release or Start Completed, it can Terminate about the Production order (status is made closing).
Yield reportOutput report (production order No.)Report・Perform YieldEntry by the Production order No and Process.
・Entry Quantity of good Item / poor Item about ManufactureProcess of Yield reportRequired.
・About Process of Yield reportNeedlessness, Yield is Entr(ied) by Yield report and the value of back Process.
・Closing, even if the remainder of Order remains is possible.
Output report (item)Report・Entry Yield to the Production order of old start by Work center-Item.
・Order qty. sets automatically to Complete the Production order which became equal to the sum of Qualified qty. and non-Qualified qty.
・About Process of Yield reportNeedlessness, Yield is Entr(ied) as Qualified qty. of the Process concerned for Qualified qty.+Defective qty. Entr(ied) by Yield report of the following Process.
・Entry is performed in old order and Entry or correction according to Quantity of more good Item than Order qty. and poor Item only to a LastProduction order is possible.。
Output report batch entryBatch entry・Read-in is performed for the CSV file of specified YieldTrack record, and Batch entry is carried out.
ManufactureTrack recordReferenceOutput (by process) inquiryReferenceManufactureTrack record and ReceptionTrack record of Process outsource are Reference(d) to Report Unit.
Rework instruction sheet release・In order to direct Repair, re-Work instruction sheet is outputted to PDF about Quantity judged that Repair is required by Yield.
・Only Process which Repair directs is outputted.
CSV outputThe Production order corresponding to Query conditions is outputted by CSV.
OperatorMaster table managementOperator master listAddUpdateinformation of ManufactureOperator is AddEntr(ied).
informationUpdateThe existing Operatorinformation is edited.
informationDeleteThe existing Operatorinformation is Delete(d).
Load accumulationWork center productivity listReferenceThe definition information of Work center another Capability is Reference(d) by List.
Work center productivity information maintenanceAdd ・UpdateWork center another Capability is Entr(ied).
Work center load inquiryReferenceWork center another LoadStatus is displayed.

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