Sales unit price list

Query item nameExplanation
Customer item★Maintenance point★
Effective timeStart date of Valid term of Sales unit price
Display classificationIn the check ON, the range specification of Effective time is disregarded.

Query of Sales unit price

List item nameExplanation
Customer item★Maintenance point★
Order quantity's upper limitThe maximum value of Order quantity which is in charge of a Quantity discount
Unit★Maintenance point★
Unit price★Maintenance point★
Currency★Maintenance point★
Unit price classification★Maintenance point★
Effective timeStart date of the Valid term of Sales unit price
Expire timeComplete date of the Valid term of Sales unit price
Customer name★Maintenance point★
Customer item name★Maintenance point★
Last update person
Last update time

Add of Sales unit price


Ref. add of Sales unit price


Update of Sales unit price


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