Cost control


Cost control Outline

In Cost control, there are a Planned cost creation function and a track record Cost creation function.


Cost control Functional list

Function (major division)Function (inside classification)Function (small classification)Function Explanation
Planned cost creationCost calculationExecuteIt is Execute immediately.Execute Cost calculation (Processing cost calculation and Purchase costUpdate -- Cost information accumulates) of Initial, Monthly, and Latest.
Night executionInitial, Monthly, Cost calculation of Latest () [ Processing cost calculation and ] Reservation of Purchase costUpdate and Night execution which Cost information accumulates is made.
Processing cost calculation(Batch)Processing cost calculationCaculate Processing cost from a Process master and a rental rate, and Update a master.
Purchase costUpdate (Batch)Purchase costUpdateCaculate Purchase cost from an ItemSupply master and an Exchange rate master, and Update a master.
Cost information accumulates(Batch)Cost information accumulatesAcquire Structure information from an Item composition master, and Caculate Accumulated cost.
Cost information uploadCost informationBatch entryRead-in finds the specified CSV file and carry out Add and Change of the ItemCost master. Only Individual cost of Initial, Monthly, and Latest cost can be Entr(ied).
Planned cost referenceItem another Planned cost listReferenceRefer to Individual/accumulatedCost of Initial, Monthly, and Latest cost.
CSV outputCarry out the CSV output of Individual/accumulatedCost of Initial, Monthly, and Latest cost.
PlanExpense managementMaintainPlanExpenseEntryEntry the budget of Expense according to Production number.
UpdateEdit the existing PlanExpense.
PlanExpense listReferenceDisplay the list of PlanExpense.
DeleteDelete specified Expense.
Track record Expense managementTrack record ExpenseEntryEntryEntry the track record of Expense according to Production number.
UpdateEdit the existing track record Expense.
Track record Expense listReferenceDisplay the list of the track records Expense.
DeleteDelete specified Expense.
Ledger creationLedger creation(Batch)Ledger creationCreate the receipt and payment Details from the ON Picking track record of this Month, a work record, a Shipping track record, and a sales track record, and create Ledger (outside of material, Products in progress, a product, and Plant). Expenditure Unit price is set up by the specified Cost methods (a periodic average method, a moving average cost method, a first-in first-out method, etc.).
Ledger maintenanceUpdatePerform AmountAdjustment of Ledger.
Ledger referenceLedger referenceReferenceDisplay the contents of receipt and payment of each Ledger (Last month surplus and this Month receipt and payment). It narrows down by Year/month, Production number, Item, Item class., etc., and Query is made.
CSV outputPerform CSV download of Ledger displayed on the screen.
Ledger listOutput of the reportDisplay the contents of receipt and payment of Ledger (Last month surplus and this Month receipt and payment) on Report.
Ledger list(CSV)CSV outputPerform CSV download of Ledger.
Balance listOutput of the reportOutput the receipt and payment information of specified Month to Report.
Balance list(CSV)CSV outputCarry out the CSV output of the receipt and payment information of specified Month.
Output of the report directionsCost controlOutput of the reportOutput directionsPerform the output directions of Report and CSV treated by Cost control.
Management ReportStandard cost structure tableOutput of the reportOutput the breakdown list of Individual cost which Expand(ed) all the Structure item for Product Unit, and Accumulated cost to Report.
Standard cost structure table(CSV)CSV outputCarry out the CSV output of the breakdown list of Individual cost which Expand(ed) all the Structure item for Product Unit, and Accumulated cost.
Sales cost listOutput of the reportOutput Sales amount of OrderItem, and Manufacture Cost to Report.
Sales cost list(CSV)CSV outputOutput Sales amount of OrderItem, and Manufacture Cost to CSV.
Item cost listOutput of the reportOutput the number of manufactures, Plan of Cost, and a track record according to Item at Report.
Item cost list(CSV)CSV outputOutput the number of manufactures, Plan of Cost, and a track record according to Item at CSV.
Production number cost listOutput of the reportOutput the number of manufactures, Plan of Cost, and a track record according to Production number at Report.
Production number cost list(CSV)CSV outputOutput the number of manufactures, Plan of Cost, and a track record according to Production number at CSV.

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