Sales order allocation inquiry

Query item nameExplanation
Scheduled shipping date
Scheduled storing dateThe display of Sched complete is specified by Production completed or Scheduled storing date.
ItemPlant item

Reference of the OrderInventory mortgage Status

List item nameExplanation
Item/Item nameDisplay Plant item and Plant item name.
Inventory qty.Display Current inventory quantity.
GeneralWhen it is Plant item Order(ed) by two or more Customer(s), display by 「*」.
Order quantityDisplay an Open sales order number (Order quantity - Shipping quantity).
Forecast quantityDisplay a Forecast sales order number.
Scheduled production quantityDisplay Scheduled production quantity by a Production-Purchase order.
Inventory transitionMinus and Scheduled production quantity added Current inventory quantity to Order quantity, and Forecast quantity. Transition of Inventory qty. is displayed.
PreviousDisplay Summaryvalue of Order quantity of DatePrevious by which it is indicated by List, Forecast quantity, and Scheduled production quantity.
MM/DDOrder quantity and Forecast quantity are displayed on Date which is in agreement with Delivery date, Scheduled production quantity is displayed on Date which is in agreement with Production completedDay.

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