Master table management

Entry and Change of the setting of each master data are carried out.

Master table management Outline

In Master table management, original masterinformation of the following whole company General and Plant is managed.

In some whole company General master, since there is also a part in connection with employment of a system, please be sure to consult with Employment Charge and a system administrator at Add and Before change.

Master table management FunctionList

Function(major division)Function(inside classification)Function(small classification)FunctionExplanation
Customer, Supplierinformation managementCustomer mastermaintenanceCustomerAddEntryAddCustomer is Entr(ied).
CustomerinformationUpdateinformation of Existing Customer is edited.
Place of receipt mastermaintenancePlace of deliveryAddEntryAddPlace of delivery in arbitrary Customer is Entr(ied).
Place of deliveryinformationUpdateinformation of the existing Place of delivery in arbitrary Customer is edited.
SuppliermastermaintenanceSupplierAddEntryAddSupplier is Entr(ied).
SupplierinformationUpdateinformation of Existing Supplier is edited.
master upload downloadUploadThe specified CSV file of Customer, Place of delivery, and Supplier, and it carries out Add and Change of the master data.
DownloadCustomer, Place of delivery, and master data of Supplier It outputs by CSV.
Plant, Work center managementPlantmastermaintenancePlantmasterinformationUpdateinformation of Existing Plant is edited.
Work centermastermaintenanceWork centerAddEntryAddWork center is Entr(ied).
Work centerinformationUpdateinformation of Existing Work center is edited. ManMachineCapabilityvalue etc. of Work center in Plant which an Entry user Subordinate(s) are Update(d).
Location managementLocationmasterListLocationAddEntryLocation is Entri(ed).
LocationinformationUpdateinformation of Existing Location is edited.
Production number managementProduction number ledgermaintenanceProduction numberAddEntryAddProduction number is Entr(ied).
Production numberinformationUpdateas opposed to existing Production number -- the input of Complete year/month, etc. are performed.
Code managementCodeListCodeListThe Code used by a number system is indicated by List.
CodeNamemastermaintenanceCodevalueAddEntryNew Codevalue is Entr(ied).
CodeNameUpdateName corresponding to Existing Codevalue is edited.
Calendar managementCalendar type mastermaintenanceCalendar type AddEntryAddCalendar type is Entr(ied). String attachment of Calendar type and a Shift pattern is performed.
informationUpdate of Calendar typeinformation of existing Calendar type is edited.
ShiftmastermaintenanceShift pattern AddEntryAn AddShift pattern is Entr(ied). The start in each service Shift and End Time are defined.
Shift pattern Updateinformation of Existing Shift is edited.
Calendar creationCalendar master creationData creation directions of arbitrary Period are performed based on the temp Exchange rate of working / un-working for one week, and hours worked.
Calendar UpdateWorking / Non-Working settingOperation / un-working, and edit of hours worked are performed to creation Completed calendar data.
Material mark managementMaterial markmastermaintenanceEntry of Material markMaterial mark of Add is Entr(ied).
Update of Material markExisting Material mark is edited.
Working hours unit priceinformation managementWorking hours unit pricemasterListCharge AddEntryCharge per Hour for Caculat(ing) Processing cost (in-company Unit price) is Entr(ied).Charge is Entr(ied) for every Work center.
Charge informationUpdateThe existing charge information is edited.
Charge informationDeleteThe existing charge information is Delete(d).
Exchange rateinformation managementExchange ratemasterListExchange rateAddEntryExchange rate of Currency treated by Cost control is Entr(ied).
Exchange rateinformationUpdateExchange rateinformation is edited.
Exchange rateinformationDeleteExchange rateinformation is Delete(d).
Tax information managementTax ratemasterListTax rateinformationAddEntryTax rate treated for Tax Caculate is Entr(ied).
Tax rateinformationUpdateTax rateinformation is edited.
Tax rateinformationDeleteTax rateinformation is Delete(d).
UnitConversioninformation managementPurchase unitConversionmasterListUnitConversioninformationAddEntryUnitConversionPercentage treated by Purchase unitConversion is Entr(ied).
UnitConversioninformationUpdateUnitConversioninformation is edited.
UnitConversioninformationDeleteUnitConversioninformation is Delete(d).

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