Search Bill of Materials

Item update(F2):Move to the 【Item Details Entry・Change】 screen by the Item selected the head of the Details line.
Structure information update (F4):Move to the 【Structure information update】 screen by the Item selected the head of the Details line.
Search Item NameExplanation
Expansion Method 1Specify any of Single layer, Multiple layers, or Summary. Single layer: Display structure item of the 1 class lower of the specified item. The lower structure items to be expanded more with the selected part on the screen.Multiple layers: Display every structure item to the bottom of the specified item. Summary: Display the structure item of the specified item with the summary quantity of the structure item of the structure.
Expansion Method 2Specify either Forward expansion or Reverse expansion.Forward expansion: Display the lower level structure of the specified item. Reverse expansion: Display the upper level structure of the specified item. In the case of General parts, display every parent item.
Expansion Method 3Specify effective date and valid production number.
Expansion Method 4Display only MRP Expandable Items with the check ON.
Setup display positionIn case of not entered, every prefix will be extracted. When PRFX is entered, display the Prefix and subsequent ones of the 1 class lower of the specified item.
Display Item nameExplanationScreen ItemD/LItem
Item name
Quantity unit
Item classification
Structure PH
Effective time/date
Expire time/date
Valid production numberNot in use
Invalid production numberNot in use
Plan L/T
Plan L/T Unit
Supply classification
Direct delivery classification
Input item nameNumber of bitsExplanation
Plan L/T5Setup 0 or more and 99999 or less.
Defective rate of structureSetup with the value of 0 or more and less 100.00.
Supply classification
Receive classification
Direct delivery/shipment classification

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