Customer master maintenance(Place of delivery included)

Basic information, including Customer code, Name, etc., and the lead time in connection with the transportation at the time of Shipping are set up.
Moreover, when Place of delivery at the time of Shipping differs from Customer (Purchase yuan), Customer and Place of delivery are related.

Query item nameExplanation
Customer codeEntry Completed is mandatory at the time of search of data.

Input item nameInput checkNumber of bitsMandatoryExplanation
Customer       alphabet/number
(Capital letter)
6Customer code
Customer name     40Name to Customer code
Customer abbreviation     20Abbreviated name
Post code      alphabet/number/symbol12 得意先の郵便番号
Address (1)      40得意先の住所
Address (2)      40 
Telephone number      alphabet/number/symbol20得意先の電話番号
Fax number      alphabet/number/symbol20 得意先のFAX番号
Mail address (1) 300 not use
Mail address (2) 300 not use
Currency     得意先との取引で使用される通貨コードを選択。照会画面等にて確認できます。 ※一度登録を行った後は変更が出来ませんので、ご注意下さい。
Tax classification     Tax classification (inclusion of tax, exclusion of the consumption tax from indicated prices, Tax exempt) applied by dealings with Customer is chosen.
It can Confirm on a reference screen etc.
Tax rate classification      Tax rate classification applied by dealings with Customer Selection.
Tax rate can perform Entry in a Tax rate master.
Salesperson     The Salesperson person of his company is specified.
Customer administrator     20 
Bundle day        number2 
Number of months determined in first item inspection number2初めての製品の場合、出荷から次回納品までにかかる月数。得意先毎に初物検査を行う間隔を設定します。初物検査対象の場合は、作業指示書に初物マーク(HK)が印字されます。初物検査を行わない場合は、ゼロを設定します。(初期値はゼロ)
Transportation leadtime number5Time required by the Customer (Place of delivery) arrival from Shipping (at Day, the time part)
Transportation type     Transportation type of Default Place of delivery
Packing list release     A Release case is the check ON about Packing list.
Invoice     Present在No.t used
EDI acceptance read-in classification   It is the check ON when Execut(ing) automatic Sales by EDI.
When you do not use AcceptanceRead-in of EDI, please turn OFF.
Base date of sales unit price classification Day which adopts Sales unit price (Order dateorDelivery date).
When not specifying Salesunit price at the time of OrderEntry, Sales unit price is determined according to this set-up Classification.
Customer group   Customer group is specified.
choosing the group set up by the Sales prediction list -- Output -- things are made
Remarks       256 
Input item nameInput checkNumber of bitsMandatoryExplanation
Place of delivery code  8Place of delivery code.
In the case of AddEntry, an order number is assigned automatically.
Place of delivery name   40Name to Place of delivery code
Place of delivery abbreviation   20The abbreviated name of Place of delivery
Telephone number    alphabet/number/symbol20納品先の電話番号
Post code    12 納品先の郵便番号
Address (1)    40納品先の住所
Address (2)    40 
Transportation leadtimenumber5Time required by the Place of delivery arrival from Shipping (at Day, the time part)
Transportation type    The means of transportation
Remarks      256 

Add to Customer-Place of delivery

Supplier master maintenance

The lead time in connection with Basicinformation(s), such as Supplier code and Name, and the transportation at the time of Shipping is set up.

Query item nameExplanation
Supplier codeEntry Completed sees -- the time of Query of data -- Input Mandatory

Input item nameInput checkNumber of bitsMandatoryExplanation
Supplier codealphabet/number
(Capital letter)
6Supplier code
Supplier name 40Name to Supplier code
Supplier abbreviation 20Abbreviated name
Import classification  Present Not used
Post code  alphabet/number/symbol12仕入先の郵便番号
Address(1) 40仕入先の住所
Telephone number  alphabet/number/symbol20仕入先の電話番号
Fax number  alphabet/number/symbol20仕入先のFAX番号
Mail address(1)Mail address300It is used for an e-mail addressee (TO) when referred to as "1:E-mail sending" in Mail sending classification.
It is also possible for comma separated values to define two or more Mail address.
Mail address(2)Mail address300It is used for an e-mail addressee (CC) when referred to as "1:E-mail sending" in Mail sending classification.
It is also possible for comma separated values to define two or more Mail address.
Currency 仕入先との取引で使用される通貨コードを指定します。※一度登録を行った後は変更が出来ませんので、ご注意下さい。
Tax classification     Tax classification (inclusion of tax, exclusion of the consumption tax from indicated prices, Tax exempt) applied by dealings with Supplier is chosen.
It can Confirm on a reference screen etc.
Tax rate classification      Tax rate classification applied by dealings with Supplier Selection.
Tax rate can perform Entry in a Tax rate master.
Purchaser  The Purchaser person of his company is specified.
(Prior Entry is required for a Code list)
In charge of the Supplier 20
Purchase list release A Release case considers Purchase list as the check ON, and it specifies the wording pattern written on Report.
Wording pattern"0:General" is prepared as System value.
It defines if needed at the time of AToMsQube introduction except it.
Packing list release A Release case considers a Packing list, item ID and receipt (for delivery) as the check ON, and it specifies the wording pattern written on Report.
Wording pattern"0:General" is prepared as System value.
It defines if needed at the time of AToMsQube introduction except it.
Accepted item details list releaseA Release case considers an Accepted item details list as the check ON, and it specifies the wording pattern written on Report.
Wording pattern"0:General" is prepared as System value.
It defines if needed at the time of AToMsQube introduction except it.
Mail sending classificationWhen auto-dialing mail of Purchase list and Packing list, it is considered as the check ON.
Remarks    256
WEB-EDI object classificationIn WEB-EDIObject, it is considered as the check ON.
In WEB-EDIObject, suitable value for Item of the following Purchase plan data output-Acceptance data output is specified.
Purchase plan data outputIn a WEB-EDI function, purchase Plan data is considered as the check ON to Supplier at an Output case.
Purchase plan export period3When Purchase plan data output is the check ON, the data extraction Period is specified.
Purchase data outputIn a WEB-EDI function, Order data is considered as the check ON to Supplier at an Output case.
Receipt data outputIn a WEB-EDI function, Reception data is considered as the check ON to Supplier at an Output case.
Acceptance data outputIn a WEB-EDI function, Acceptance data is considered as the check ON to Supplier at an Output case.

Add to Supplier

Master upload and download

Query item nameExplanation
Master typeMaster type which performs download or upload is specified.
File nameUpload Object file is specified.


Input item nameCharacterNumber of bitsMandatoryExplanation
Processing classification               11:Add、2:Update
Customer         alphabet/number
(Capital letter)  
6Customer code
Customer name              100Name to Customer code
Customer name
(Abbreviated name )   
       40Abbreviated name
Post code        alphabet/number/symbol12得意先の郵便番号
Address (1)               120得意先の住所
Address (2)               120得意先の住所(2)
Telephone number        alphabet/number/symbol20得意先の電話番号
Fax number        alphabet/number/symbol20得意先のFAX番号
Mail address (1)   Mail address form300メール配信連携機能は現在ありません。
Mail address (2)   Mail address form300メール配信連携機能は現在ありません。
Currency              3得意先との取引で使用される通貨コードを選択。照会画面等にて確認できます。
Salesperson               6自社の営業担当者を設定します。
Customer administrator              20Present Not used
Closing Day                 2請求期間を決定するための締日を設定します。
Number of months determined in first item inspection           2初めての製品の場合、出荷から次回納品までにかかる月数。得意先毎に初物検査を行う間隔を設定します。初物検査対象の場合は、作業指示書に初物マーク(HK)が印字されます。初物検査を行わない場合は、ゼロを設定します。
Transportation leadtime           5Hour required by the Customer (Place of delivery) arrival from Shipping
Transportation lead time unit         1Unit of Transportation leadtime.D:Day、H:Hour、M:Minute
Transportation type               1Transportation type of Default Place of delivery
Packing list releaseClassification            1When Releas(ing) Packing list, 1 is specified, and 0 is specified when not Releas(ing).
InvoiceClassification            1Present Not used
EDISales classification             10 is specified, when Execut(ing) automatic Sales by EDI and not using AcceptanceRead-in of 1 and EDI.
Base date of sales unit price classification        1Day which adopts Sales unit price (Order dateorDelivery date). When not specifying Sales unit price at the time of OrderEntry, Sales unit price is determined according to this setting Classification.
J:Order date, N:Delivery date
Remarks                 256
Customer group            6Customer group is specified. The group setting by the Sales prediction List can be Selection(ed) and Output(ed).
Tax classification                10:tax-inclusive price,1:tax-exclusive price,2:Tax exempt is specified.
Tax rate classification                3Tax rate classification It specifies.
Sales unit price classification           1Sales unit price classification is specified.
Customer item automatic entry        1Customer item automatic entry is specified.

Place of delivery

Input item nameCharacterNumber of bitsMandatoryExplanation
Processing classification              11:Add、2:Update
Place of delivery        alphabet/number
(Capital letter)  
8Place of delivery code. In the case of AddEntry, an order number is assigned automatically.
Customer        alphabet/number
(Capital letter)  
6Customer code.
Place of delivery name             100Name of Place of delivery
Place of delivery name (abbreviated name)            40The abbreviated name of Place of delivery
Telephone number       alphabet/number/symbol20納品先の電話番号
Post code       alphabet/number/symbol12納品先の郵便番号
Address (1)              120納品先の住所
Address (2)              120納品先の住所(2)
Transportation leadtime   number   5Time required by the Place of delivery arrival from Shipping
Transportation lead time unit        1Unit of Transportation leadtime.D:Day、H:Hour、M:Minute
Transportation type              1輸送手段を設定します。(例)自社便、宅急便、トラック便等)
Remarks                256


Input item nameCharacterNumber of bitsMandatoryExplanation
Processing classification                 11:Add、2:Update
Supplier           alphabet/number
(Capital letter)  
6Supplier code
Supplier name                100Name to Supplier code
Supplier name
(Abbreviated name)    
       40Abbreviated name
Import classification                 1 Present Not used
Post code          alphabet/number/symbol12仕入先の郵便番号
Address (1)                 120仕入先の住所
Address (2)                 120仕入先の住所(2)
Telephone number          alphabet/number/symbol20仕入先の電話番号
Fax number          alphabet/number/symbol20仕入先のFAX番号
Mail address (1)     Mail address300It is used for an e-mail addressee (TO) when referred to as 「1:E-mail sending」 in Mail sending classification. It is also possible for comma separated values to define two or more Mail address.
Mail address (2)     Mail address300It is used for an e-mail addressee (CC) when referred to as 「1:E-mail sending」 in Mail sending classification. It is also possible for comma separated values to define two or more Mail address.
Currency                3Currency used by dealings with Supplier is specified.
Purchaser                 6発注担当を設定します。
Supplier administrator               6自社の仕入先担当を設定します。
Purchase list releaseClassification              1When Releas(ing) Purchase list, 1 is specified, and 0 is specified when not Releas(ing).
Purchase list term pattern classification          1The wording pattern written on Purchase list is specified.
Packing list releaseClassification              1When Releas(ing) a Packing list, item ID and receipt (for delivery), 1 is specified, and 0 is specified when not Releas(ing).
Packing list term pattern classification          1The wording pattern written in a Packing list, item ID and receipt (for delivery) is specified.
Accepted item details list releaseClassification           1When Releas(ing) an Accepted item details list, 1 is specified, and 0 is specified when not Releas(ing).
Accepted item details list term pattern classification       1The wording pattern written in an Accepted item details list is specified.
Mail sending classification              1When auto-dialing mail of Purchase list and Packing list, 1 is specified, and 0 is specified when not sending.
Remarks                   256
WEB-EDI object classification             11: Supplier of WEB-EDIObject, 0: WEB-EDI Non-object In WEB-EDIObject, suitable value for Item of the following Purchase plan data output-Acceptance data output is specified.
Purchase plan data output            1In WEB-EDI Function, when Output(ing) purchase Plan data to Supplier, 1 is specified, and when not outputting, 0 is specified.
Purchase plan export period      number   3When Purchase plan data output is "1:Output", the data extraction Period is specified.
Period setting classification               1A number value of Unit(s) specified by Purchase plan export period are specified.
M: A Month number, T : the number of seasons, a W:Week number, D:Number of days
Purchase data output       1In WEB-EDI Function, to Supplier, an Output case specifies Order data, and 1 and when not outputting, 0 is specified.
Receipt data output              1In WEB-EDIFunction, when Output(ing) Reception data to Supplier, 1 is specified, and when not outputting, 0 is specified.
Acceptance data output              1In WEB-EDIFunction, to Supplier, an Output case specifies Acceptance data, and 1 and when not outputting, 0 is specified.
Tax classification                  10:tax-inclusive price,1:tax-exclusive price,2:
Tax exempt is specified. Tax rate classification                  3Tax rate classification It specifies.

Download of masterinformation

Confirm of an upload file

Entry to master

Result confirmation of upload

Resuluting output of upload

Work centermastermaintenance


information about Basicinformation(s), such as Name of Work center, and Capability is setting. Moreover, control of the Release existence of work instructions is also set up here.

Query item nameNumber of bitsExplanation
Work center codeIt is Input Mandatory at the time of Query of Entry Completed data.
Input item nameNumber of bitsExplanation
Plant codePlant which has jurisdiction over Work center
Work center code6
Work center name40Name to Work center code
Work center abbreviation20Abbreviated name
Man-machine classification労務主体、マシン主体等を設定します。
Daily working hours12,2It is Valid to a double figures a small number of part.
Working hours unitStandard Working hours unit which is Setup value is displayed.
Number of persons12,2Number of persons which Subordinate(s) to Work center
Standard man capability-表示項目。1日当たり稼動工数×人員数×(稼動/100)×(出勤率/100)
Standard machine capability-表示項目。1日当たり稼動工数×台数×(稼動/100)×(出勤率/100)
Standard quantity capability12,2It is Valid to a double figures a small number of part.
Standard weight capability12,2It is Valid to a double figures a small number of part.
Operating ratio12,2It is Valid to a double figures a small number of part.
Attendance rate12,2It is Valid to a double figures a small number of part.
Digestibility12,2It is Valid to a double figures a small number of part.
Preparation time (H)12,2The preparation (plan) time before starting work is specified.
Department type1: Processing, 2:Assembly, A : Inspection Either is Specified.
Calendar IDCalendar type applied to Work center is specified. It is necessary to create Calendar type and a calendar beforehand.
Production instruction release classificationThe existence of Release of work instructions is controlled.
Loading typeIt is used in accumulation and Leveling Function.(Fixation LT) performs ProcessExpand by Fixation Lead time. ・Infinite accumulation (Fixation LT):The pile only in consideration of work Load is carried out.
・Infinite accumulation :Accumulation only in consideration of work Load is carried out.
・Limited accumulation:Accumulation in consideration of Capability and Work Load is carried out.

Add of Work center

Automatic calculation of Standard man capability

Automatic calculation of Standard machine capability

Production number list maintenance


information about Production number is set up. Period from the start of Production number to Complete, and charging off and Cost department are managed.

Query item nameNumber of bitsExplanation
Production numberIt is Input Mandatory at the time of Query of Entry Completed data.
Input item nameNumber of bitsExplanation
Production number10
Production number name40
Expense processing classificationThe subject which processes expense
Prior Entry is required for CodeList.
Release year/monthYear/month which issued the order number for Relevance Production number
Complete deadline
Cost departmentThe section which adds up Cost
Prior Entry is required for CodeList.
Plant codePlant code managed by Plantmaster
Complete year/monthA check is attached to Production number which Complete(d).

Add of Production number list



Code currently used by the number system is Quer(ied). It is also more possible than this screen to change to Add or the Update screen of Codevalue.

Query item nameExplanation
NameCodeName at the time of making it display on a Query result (Prefix search )
Editing/no editing classificationWhen you display Display editable items only, please give me a check as ON.

※About the sequence of Editing/no editing classification, if it is ○, Change and Add can do Codevalue.
  If it is ×, it is only Reference and Change is improper.

Query of Code

List item nameExplanation
Editing/no editing classification○:Edit is possible. ×:Edit is impossible.
Code   Code identifier
Name    Code Name

Add of Codevalue

Input item nameCharacterNumber of bitsMandatoryExplanation
(Capital letter )
Name150The meaning of Codevalue
Last update person20
Last update time12

Update of Codevalue

Delete of Codevalue



Change of Basicinformation(s), such as Name of Plant, the conditions of MRP, and a calendar are setting.

Query item nameExplanation
Plant codeIt is Input Mandatory at the time of Query of Entry Completed data.
Input item nameInput checkNumber of bitsMandatoryExplanation
Plant code2
Plant name100Plant name
MRP expansion condition IDID Entr(ied) by MRP expansion condition setup is specified.
MRP」-- Reference
MRP calendar IDThe calendar set up by Calendar type mastermaintenance is specified. It is Reference about Calendar type mastermaintenance in this chapter.
1stのWorking hours4It is Valid to a single figure decimal point.
Post code12工場所在の郵便番号を設定します。
Address (1)120工場所在の住所を設定します。
Address (2)120工場所在の住所(2)を設定します。
Telephone number20工場の連絡先電話番号を設定します。
Fax number20工場のFAX番号を設定します。
Delivery destination(Prior Entry to CodeList is required. )

Update of Plantmaster

※ A setup is Mandatory when MRP expansion condition uses Reference and MRP for MRP.

Storage location master list


information of Location which manages Inventor(ies), such as Material, Parts, Half finished product, and a product, is set up. Moreover, control of whether to be referred to as Object of an Inventory mortgage by MRP processing is also set up here.

Query item nameExplanation
Location nameArbitrary
Allocation excluded classificationArbitrary 、It is Selection about Object OR Non-object at the time of specification.
Location groupArbitrary
Input item nameNumber of bitsExplanationCode/master
Location name30Name to LocationCode
Allocation excluded classificationIt is denoted by MRP processing whether this Location is the Inventory mortgage Object. 0:Object
Location groupIt is used for the grouping of Location.An Inventory balance sheet is printed in order of Location group and LocationCode.Code(Location group)

Query of Location

Add of Location

Ref. add of Location

Calendar type master maintenance


String attachment of Calendar ID and a Shift pattern is performed. Calendar creation is performed to Calendar ID Entr(ied) on this screen. Prior Entry is required for a Shift pattern.

Query item nameExplanation
Calendar IDIt is SelectionMandatory at the time of Query of Entry Completed data.
Input item nameInput checkNumber of bitsMandatoryExplanation
Calendar IDalphabet/number
(Capital letter)
6Please define arbitrary Code as Calendar ID.
Calendar name40Please define Name to Calendar ID.
Shift pattern IDA Shift pattern is specified.
Entry of a Shift pattern is required of Shiftmastermaintenance beforehand.
Standard calendar (STD)In the case of the standard calendar of its company, it is considered as the check ON.
A standard calendar can be set up one. (1 is Mandatory.)

Add of Calendar type

※ If Standard calendar (STD) is specified and Add and Update of Calendar type are performed, when a setup of the standard calendar is carried out to the already Entr(ied) calendar, Entry Completed sees and Standard calendar (STD) of a calendar becomes the check OFF.

Shift master maintenance


The start in Working hours and an end are defined. 2 shifts, 3 shifts, etc. correspond also to Shift over Previous day or Next day. Since Shift pattern ID set up by this mastermaintenance in 【Calendar type master maintenance】 serves as Mandatory, it is necessary to set up ahead of a calendar.

Query item nameExplanation
Shift pattern IDIt is SelectionMandatory at the time of Query of Entry Completed data.
Input item nameInput checkNumber of bitsMandatoryExplanation
Shift pattern IDalphabet/number
(Capital letter)
6Please define arbitrary Code as Shift pattern ID.
【Details section】Start date classificationIt is specified whether Start time of Shift is the time of Previous day, Current day, and Next day.
【Details section】Start time4Start time of Shift is specified. 00:00-23:59
【Details section】End date classificationIt is specified whether End time of Shift is Hour of Previous day, Current day, and Next day.
【Details section】End time4End time of Shift is specified. 00:00-23:59

Add of a Shift pattern

Calendar Entry


The calendar of specified Generation periodMinute is created to arbitrary Calendar ID. Operation / un-working for one week inputted on the number screen, and Working hours are applied to each Day in Generation period. 【Calendar Update】 performs Change of the operation Hour of a public holiday (non-Working day) or arbitrary Day.

Query item nameExplanation
Calendar IDSelectionMandatory
Input item nameCharacterNumber of bitsMandatoryExplanation
Generation periodThe maximum Period which can be created at a time is 2Year.
【Details section】Operation DayIt specifies operation / un-working by each day of the week for every Shift. In the case of operating days, it is considered as the check ON.
【Details section】Operation(H)Working hours in each day of the week is specified for every Shift. An input is possible at 15MinuteUnit (0.25H unit).

Add of a calendar

Calendar Update


The operation Day for every st, non-Working day, and hours worked are Update(d) to a creation Completed calendar.

Query item nameExplanation
Calendar IDThe calendar of Edit Object is specified.
Year/monthYear/month of Edit Object is specified.
Input item nameCharacterNumber of bitsMandatoryExplanation
Update objectEdit Object is specified.
Operation classification: Change of operation / not working
Working hours: Change of Working hours
Calendar partOperation / Day operation of each Day, and Working hours are set up.
<When Update object is Operation classification >
It can change operation / un-working of each Day by mouse click. When a background is yellow color, it means un-working Day.
<When Update object is Working hours >
Working hours of each Day is inputted.

Update of a calendar

※ If it clicks Date, color will change, but a system is not used Feed back until it performs Update.
※ In a system top, Working hours is disregarded when Working hours is set to non-Working day.

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